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Answering Your Questions

Writer: Marie MontgomeryMarie Montgomery

In response to messages that we (Montogmery Coleman Publishing) have received concerning Rebecca.

First, your IP and location were recorded when you hit the send button, so we know who you are and where you are. Fake emails and I.P blockers do not over-ride this technology, it integrates your cell phone and internet providers.

Secondly, please be mindful that "all of" our authors, especially the best-sellers like Rebecca are legally represented and protected by our legal team for up to $25,000 per year. This is personal and business-related for as long as they are a contracted author within this company.

  1. Todd Miller

  2. Call & Genty

  3. Matt Uhrig

Yes, Rebecca has an extensive education, if you believe otherwise, you are a fool!

(As listed on her website which we carefully supervise.)

✔️And yes, each of these credentials was verified.

It would be illegal for us to provide such information on a published author, therefore our legal advisors thoroughly verify every source.

Rebecca attended both Jellico High School in Jellico, Tennessee as well as Whitley County High School in Williamsburg, Kentucky.

She later gained her GED in 2015 and went on to successfully obtain a Creative Writing Degree from SNHU online and completed the Level III 10-week Workshop at Gotham online.

Additionally, Rebecca also completed all four of the Paranormal Courses & Qualifications at

✔️Yes, Rebecca's writing has been published in the Haunted South magazine.

✔️Yes, out of her 9 published books, 2 of them reached Best-Seller Status.

✔️Yes, her books are available for purchase worldwide.

Rebecca is featured on GoodReads , Overdrive and Book Cave (amongst others).

She was recently picked up by SuperBooks.

✔️And, YES her books are available on

(Barnes & Noble, Amazon, LuLu, Rakuten, Google Play, and many other retailers)

✔️Again, YES her books are in the Abbey Bookshop in France.

Type her name "Author Rebecca Ivey" into any web browser and you'll see just how well-known she has become. You'll find near-endless results.


We were asked:

"Does she make money?"

Our response:

"Have you ever seen a worldwide published author who didn't?"




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