Author Profile

Rebecca's journey in writing began in the year 2000 when she submitted a story to The Haunted South magazine. The story was accepted and aired on the magazine's website during the month of September.
In 2018 she began writing short stories on the Vocal. Media platform and gained a significant online following.
In 2020, James .D Coleman and Marie Montgomery the owners of Torture Realm Entertainment,(now Montgomery Coleman Publishing) took notice of Rebecca's work. In January 2021 she became a member of their exclusive writing network and has since been named as one of their top authors.
​On June 1st, 2021, Rebecca's first book The Wendigo Possession was released on Amazon and Kindle Store, selling over 100 copies on its first day.

Personal Life
Rebecca (aka:Becky) was born in Middlesboro, Kentucky, and raised in the small community of Jellico, Tennessee.
Jellico has a population of fewer than 3,000 people - one of those small, country towns where it seems that everybody knows everything about everyone. One thing that people didn't know was that Rebecca has always had a fascination with the dark and unusual. Ghost, vampires, paranormal, and superstitions are to name only a few of her infatuations.
She is also a compassionate animal lover who boldly supports the ASPCA and SaveTheTigers.org​


Rebecca tends to be quiet and reclusive which is why few people truly, thoroughly know her.
Considerably, she spends her time at home with her husband and best friend Joe. (married in 1993) ​and two sons Brady (1995) and Rondell (1999). This is where she's most happy and at peace. Her little family is extremely close and shares a close, personal relationship.
While spending time with her family and mishmash of pets, you'll find her watching horror movies and typing away new short stories and chronologies for Vocal. Media and Montgomery Coleman both from which she has won notable awards​ and compensation.
Little is known about her parents as she sporadically speaks of them. Her father Carl Stevens passed away in November 2011. She proudly admits to being a bona fide daddy's girl and has never completely recovered from his death.
She has a diverse and complicated ​relationship with her mother.
Rebecca shares two step-sisters with her father, Rachel and Anna neither of whom she truly ​embraced. She ​acknowledges spending quality time with her youngest sister Anna and forging a relationship, although at ​the end of the day she admits that "it just wasn't meant to be."
Rebecca wrote a book in honor of her brother-in-law Bo. The book consists of 500 Pages - 70,000 words. Only one copy was ever published, which she gave to him.
Brady & Rondell (sons)
Joe (husband)
Carl (father)
Rebecca attended both Jellico High School in Jellico, Tennessee as well as Whitley County High School in Williamsburg, Kentucky. She didn't surround herself with many people and owns up to being somewhat of a loner even then.
"I just wasn't into the whole social, school setting. I didn't fit in and I honestly didn't want to fit in."
She later gained her GED in 2015 and went on to successfully obtain a Creative Writing Degree from SNHU online and completed the Level III 10-week Workshop at Gotham online.
Additionally, Rebecca also completed all four of the Paranormal Courses & Qualifications at Paralearning.org.
​ "I wanted to write and be good at it, people said that I'd never do it, so I proved them all wrong."
That's quiet the eulogy!

The Witchy Girl
Over the years Rebecca has been condemned for being a witch. This occultic subject matter is something that she neither confesses nor disavows, however, she does dispay an otherworldly smile when the topic comes up.
What we do know is that some people cautiously hide their witchy beliefs and never tell others about their involvement in Wicca — not their families (or only the very close), not their friends, and certainly not their employers. They hide their altars, keep their books hidden in drawers instead of displayed on shelves, and find an excuse to leave in a hurry when people start talking about religion. They only share their beliefs with like-minded Wiccans, and sometimes with no one at all.
So the question remains variable, and unpredictable. However, I might suggest that you check your transgressions as the old saying goes "You should never temp the wrath of a witch. 😉